Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lesson Plan Assessment Review

Poetry Dedication

I strongly believe in having multiple assessment forms, and this is a more creative way to evaluate what students have learned about poetry as a whole. This lesson plan would be ideal for a ninth-grade class, and suitable for the end of a broad, introductory unit to poetry. The booklet is both peer-reviewed and reviewed by the instructor, which adds that extra element of evaluation that will give the student lots of feedback on their work.

Arthurian Legend Unit

Although it has a more traditional set-up, this is an excellent lesson plan that would be more for advanced 11th grade and 12th grade classrooms. Each daily activity is accompanied by a formative assessment, and the entire plan is capped off by a group summative writing assessment. I might like this plan so much because I have a soft spot for medievalism, but who doesn't love a good King Arthur story?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Asessment Links

Ways to Assess Learning Without Tests

Not all students do well on tests, and it is a good idea to use a variety of methods to assess the knowledge of your students. This blog has a list of ideas for teachers to use as alternatives to an examination.

Formative Assessments

This site has an extensive list of ideas for formative assessments. Each link to the assessment idea gives detailed instructions and even a list of resources.

Assessing Student Learning Styles

An important part of teaching is assessing how your students actually learn. This site has several different tests that determine this.